Catch and release

The chances of you changing are quite small.
I know from very early in our time.
Why God makes angels that will one day fall.
We could be sent to teach each other rhymes
or something else. I wonder at it daily.
My heart opens like a flower even so.
The candle just at dusk burns quite palely.
I wonder what excuse you’ll use to go.
It’s a comic denouement I see at last.
You denigrate my knowledge and my skill.
After exposure you refuse to wear a mask
or test. I rise in anger at ill will.
It’s comic that I’ve liked your busy mind.
Respect for mine is nil: you elk’s behind.

Free fall

I feel safest with the fallen

Everyone falls
No one is good

I am afraid
Of the people who
pretend to be good

the fallen
don’t pretend

We fell down down down
like an eternity
like it would never end

We were bad
depressed drunk addicted
liars cowards thieves

We held our arms out
There was nothing to stop us
Free fall

All we could do
was pray

We prayed
As best we could
With all our hearts
If we had no words

Falling angels
Caught us

Helped us
Claw our way back

Some people fall
Are still falling
Fall forever

Are they crazy
Or do they choose
To stay with the angels?

The people who say
They are good

We look at them

We know they haven’t fallen

They are lying to us
They are lying to themselves
They are lying to the Beloved
They want to be good
They want what they say to be true

But it isn’t

I meet the eyes of another fallen

I can see the memory
Of infinite free fall
In their eyes.


For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: quest.


when I was born, they took my skin

i had no skin
i was frightened
i wept

a witch came
she studied me
i turned my head from the spoon

“Good,” she said, “You may refuse it if you want.”

She gave me the gift of anger

it was the only defense I had

but over the years
I studied and thought
and I found my tears
and I found my fears

i made my skin of tears
this took me many years
one tear for each scale

at last it is done
my skin
is complete

i smile at the sky
as i don it

i slip into the water
and i am gone

A crazy ideological teenager who still thinks that clear, free, rational thinking can save the world

This is for Ronovan’s weekly haiku prompt. The words today are free and think.

A friend sent me this conversation: about this article

And I am free to think, think of free to be you and me, teens wanting freedom, but then there are responsibilities and jobs and thank you letters and Christmas cards and diapers….

I think that we are not very good at dealing with emotion as a culture and we need to figure it out. We talk about “negative” emotions. Emotions are just emotions. They are like waves on the ocean. I try to let the wave come and let it go.

free to be free, you
stinker blinker free thinker
diaper change stinker

 I stole the title from

The photo is from 2004. Like father, like daughter.