
Mother says we are at a Comfort Inn, but I don’t think so. I am NOT comfortable! Mother packed things for days and took them out to a car. Not the usual one! We don’t like it when she leaves, but this time she kept taking OUR things out. Our privy! Toys! The playtube! Our crate! We wondered if she was giving them to Other Cats, horrors. But then she put our harnesses on and put us in the carrier and in the new weird smelling car. The car went with us trapped inside! And it went and went and went.

We objected. Mother had a net between the front and back, but we both outwitted that easily. Sol Duc went under the seats. I sat on Mother’s lap. She stopped and explained that this was not safe. I knew that! Cars aren’t safe! She put us back in the carrier and moved things around and then we rode in our crate. We had food and water and our privy. We could see Mother and the horrible terrible trucks around us. We complained some but at least we were in the crate. We slept sometimes.

At last Mother stopped and put us in the carrier again. It smells very strange outside and we are NOT at home. She took us in to the Comfort Place. I refused to leave the carrier. She took the top off, but I can hide under the top.

We really do not know what will happen today. Mother can be very crafty. We outwit nets, but the car is more difficult. We do want to stay with Mother.

Last night we used the harnesses to make new art. We are crafty too.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: craft.

On the road

My friend is still on the road, but moving closer to the end. Referral to hospice, now, though nothing is imminent. She is not home yet, though we hope to get her there. Yesterday another friend and I took her to see her cat. The cat is being cared for and is more social with everyone.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: end of the road.

Tree dreams

Tell me, tall one, what do you dream of in the night? What do you long for in the early rising sun? What messages come to you on the wind, through the rain, through the soil? Your tall branches catching dreams and catching the rays of the sun, some slipping through to me. I send you love and dreams of joy, however that looks to a tree.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: dreamcatcher.