National Monument

The word monument makes me think of a memorial or a statue, not a huge park with rock formations. That is a national monument: “a place of historic, scenic, or scientific interest set aside for preservation usually by presidential proclamation”, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary on line. The Colorado National Monument is from 1911 and by President Taft. The 23 mile Rimrock Drive is two lanes, switchbacks, tunnels and pull offs for hikes and views. It was not very crowded on Sunday but there were multiple bicycles and really little or no shoulder. We were very careful to have a stretch that we could see before we passed anyone. It certainly will put anyone in shape to ride that road!

The photograph is of window rock. There are few railings in the monument, but there is one by the window. With a sign saying “Do NOT go out on Window Rock.” I agree and we didn’t.

Right now there are 121 National Monuments in the US, according to this site. They are different from National Parks and National Forests. Let’s go visit them ALL! That would be an interesting bucket list and I would be that someone has done it.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: monument.

You can have some of the things some of the time

My father’s name is Malcolm Kenyon Ottaway. He went by Mac. He died in 2013. I miss him and I still follow Mac’s Rule.

Mac’s Rule is simple: You can get one third of the things that you think you can get done in a day.

I played with this on my days off for quite a while. I would write a list of all the things I wanted or needed to get done. Once I write the full list, it looks silly. Soon it is clear that he is correct.

When I am working full time in Family Medicine and have a five year old and a new baby, I think about getting something done on the weekend. Clear my desk, organize photographs, that sort of thing. After a while I realize that the weekend was more like this: Meals. Get kids clean and dressed. Laundry for the next week. Clean the house a bit. Do some fun family things! Read to kids and put them to bed! My list changed and instead of the ambitious “organize photographs”, I would think of something very small. Perhaps take one roll of developed photographs, pick some of the duplicates, send them to the grandparents. That was it for the entire weekend.

If I apply Mac’s Rule to my life and list all the things I want to do, which third will I pick? For years I write lists for a day off and then pick the top third that I want to get done. If something is added to the list, a friend calls to go to coffee, I take something else off. I make sure that the list always has something that I need to do on it (and often don’t want to: start taxes, pay bills, clean a bathroom, whatever). And something fun.

I don’t try to do it all. It’s very satisfying to get that 1/3 done on the list. And I feel like superwoman if I get an extra thing done! I get to choose which third to do and think about it. And the stuff that I don’t want to do slowly gets done over time. It isn’t that awful to do one of those duty jobs, thank you letters, tax information, dental appointment, mammogram, every day and then it gets DONE.

I am working with someone who puts RUSH at the start of every single email subject line. I have to say that it makes me want to dig my feet in and not even read the email. What kind of rash haste are they working under and why would I pay any attention to the RUSH by the ninth email? It is annoying and ludicrous. I move those emails to the next day list and don’t read them on the day of arrival. No pressure, so there.

Blessings on my father, for Mac’s Rule.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: rash.

The photograph had to be taken before May 2000, because my mother died on May 15 and she is on the boat. I don’t know who took it, another group sailing. Both my kids are there, my father with the tiller, and I am tucked behind the friend facing the camera. Why haven’t we pulled the motor up? This is Sun Tui, the boat currently in my driveway on a trailer.

Foul weather gear

My daughter gave me new foul weather pants for sailing for my birthday. She borrowed mine when she started college. She was on the racing team at Western Washington and my pants took a beating. During this visit she put about 1/3 of a roll of duct tape on them for an alumni race in the Lopez Island harbor. I offered to loan her my new pants but she explained that hers are now a tradition, duct tape and all. Her team won the regatta.

Here we are showing off the pants. I got lots of hugs for my birthday too, hoorah. I think my son took the photograph!

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: hug.

Winged week

This week has been mercurial. Both my daughter-in-law and I have birthdays. All three of my children were home, my son and daughter-in-law from the east coast and my daughter from Colorado. This feels luxurious after Covid-19. My son and daughter-in-law are making the rounds, spending time with her parents and friends on the Olympic Peninsula, Seattle and Portland, Oregon. It has been delightful and busy too and this is the first week in ages that I’ve missed a day blogging (yesterday) and I think THREE Ragtag Daily Prompts. I have driven round trip to Bremerton twice and once to Kingston over the last three days. My daughter leaves on the Port Townsend ferry later this afternoon. The cats are still wondering WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? I think that Sol Duc wonders, but Elwha is mostly just in a state of wonderment. He found my son large, fast-moving and quite overwhelming at first, even though Elwha is the biggest cat we’ve ever had.

The photograph is the table all decorated and ready for family guests, on Tuesday. The cats were quite mystified because they got closed out of two bedrooms for the week and then people arrived. Very confusing!

We had a lovely time.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: mercurial.

Tile like

This would be amazing tile if it were tile. But it’s not. It is rock.

It is orbicular granite from Finland, gorgeous. I took the photographs in a Danish Museum in Copenhagen in March 2022.

Nature just blows me away, all the time.

And the long necked shadow? Oh, yes, that’s a fossil dinosaur skeleton.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: tile.