
This is normally a path by the Kai Tai Lagoon. However, we had a very heavy rain and the water backed up into the Safeway parking lot. Here is the gulch where it is running into Kai Tai Lagoon:

The parking lot had drained when I walked down 14th Street, but the ducks were investigating the ditches as very attractive small ponds.

There was still a lot of water. The ditches were ponds.

We have businesses in the underground downtown and at least some of them were flooded. And we are expecting another atmospheric river in the sky this weekend.

The last picture is in Maryland, amazing clouds.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: gulch.


For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: partners.

My plumbing, from the 1930s, backed up yesterday. I pay for emergency service, but they came four hours after I called. I did damage control and then really wanted a shower. My boat is docked at the port, so I went and used the port showers. Whew. That felt better. Plumbing is fixed, hooray.

This pair were swimming in the port when I got there. Snapped with my cell phone. I think they are Barrow’s goldeneye or Common goldeneye ducks. Small diving ducks. They headed away quickly when they realized I was watching.