Where to relax

I think this is a pinon jay. I took this up on the Colorado National Monument on Saturday. I was pretty blind in the sun, but got the shot, after I cropped it. That’s a new bird to me: here.

There were tons of junipers in the Monument and some pinon pines. The junipers look like the winters might be a bit hard, with amazing twisted trunks.

They are happily producing berries anyhow and look way healthier than the ones in town.

The pinon pines and the junipers appear to be the local armchairs for the pinon jays. There was a pair flirting, too.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: armchair.


I was at an AirBnB for a few days last week. The great blue heron landed in the top of the tree in the next yard before sunrise. Then she stayed there waiting and enjoying the warmth when the sun was up. Eventually an eagle headed for the tree. The heron took off and the eagle landed.

The next two mornings I did not see an eagle or a great blue heron in the tree, perhaps because it was gray and cold and overcast both mornings.

That is why we have such big trees in the Pacific Northwest, so that eagles and great blue herons can build massive nests.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: landing.


Sometimes I am an extrovert
sometimes an introvert
we are all a mix
we all have preferences
which can change with time
and situations

I would go to parties
check the exits
and spend time studying the bookshelves
when I was tired of people
greeting familiar friends on the shelves
and knowing a little more
about my host

I start dancing
meet my spouse
we took dance classes
dance with lots of people
and invented moves
and taught each other

Dance takes balance
paying attention to a partner
sometimes we dance with someone new

Sometimes I am an extrovert
sometimes I am an introvert
and I almost always love to dance


I took the photograph yesterday through my front window. A bird dance!

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: extrovert.

We love to dance to this rather naughty song. It’s pretty extroverted!

Mead Moon

Where does honeymoon come from?

Honeymoon. Perhaps from Hony Moone, Old English for the June full moon, called the Honey Moon or Mead Moon. There are other possible sources.

I took the photograph in June 2022. A crescent, not a full moon, but in the right month.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: honeymoon.