Chiton friends

The tide was way out when I went to the beach the other day. I don’t know if the snails and barnacles are friends or foes of the chiton or who gets eaten.

And lots of birds were very happy with the tides so far out.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: chiton.


This is for the Tuesday Ragtag Daily Prompt: a conglomerate. Can you guess what is under this community of organisms stuck all over it?

A marine engine. My friend is pointing out the water intake and how to tell it’s a marine engine.

So this is a stealthie too, of both him and me.


For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: spiky.

So this is a beach. Why spiky? The tide is way out. Watch where you step or sit, because these are the spiky bits!

Barnacles! The live ones are closed with the water out, but the dead shells are also sharp and spiky. Bits that aren’t spiky are slick!

I took these on North Beach last May. Wear shoes or at least carry them.