Gold deer

I go for coffee with B in March, in the early morning. It is clear and the rising sun turns everything gold. We are out on one of the docks with our coffee. Two deer come to the water and walk along it, under the dock and back. They are not here to quench their thirst, because this is the Salish Sea, not fresh water. So what are they doing?

“It’s clear, let’s go down to the water. It is so pretty out. Now, before most of the people are up.”

“Yes, let’s!”

Just like us.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: quench.

My parents taught me the song. It dates back to the 1500s.

2 thoughts on “Gold deer

  1. I am sure deer do that. I am convinced they have a well deerveloped aesthetic sense.

  2. Lovely picture, deers are everywhere, but only when we are not around.

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