I am Elwha

Mother is cutting our food again. Sol Duc and I would rather eat through the day whenever we feel like it AND out of each other’s bowls. She picks up my bowl sometimes! Then the other bowl is empty and there is NOTHING!

As you can see, I continue to offer my favorite things in exchange for food. Mother took platy, but she just rinsed her in the sink. I got her back when she dried. Sometimes if I drop toys in the puddle, the little ants come. They do not taste good. They are not good food. Sol Duc and I persist, though.

I may put the finger box back on the small noisy sky thing setting. Since Mother won’t give us more food. She did get a new water thing. I am not sure about it. I would rather have food.

Ragtag Daily Prompt: puddle.

6 thoughts on “I am Elwha

  1. bushboy says:

    Water, ant, food and cats, a tiring combination Dr K
    Thanks for joining in ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Lol, ants are not edible.

  3. You get bonus points today for posting Joel Paterson!

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