
I took this somewhere along the 1217 mile trip with two cats from Port Townsend, Washington, to Grand Junction, Colorado. Idaho, I think. This a view rest stop as I drove up out of a valley.

Elwha and Sol Duc weren’t too sure about the trip. We started with them in the back and a net between the from and the back. I had to stop within an hour because they could get by it. Elwha wanted to ride by my feet and Sol Duc under the seat.

So then I set up their crate in the back seat and put both cats and the catbox and water into it. They didn’t love it but it worked. I would put their harnesses on and then put them in the carrier to go in to motels.

It was pretty exciting to check into a motel with two cats.

A new place to explore each evening.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: panorama.