Hi ho, hi ho

This is zoomed in to the Colorado National Monument in the early morning. The light and shadows are wonderfully dramatic and change by the minute.

I won’t trudge to work today. I was mildly sick the last two days and am better today, so I am happy to go. Hoorah for feeling better.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: trudge.

And two songs from The Yes Yes Boys, 2004, here.

I do just what I please:

Make it easy:


The sky is bigger here than in Washington, at least, it seems bigger than on the Olympic Peninsula. It’s the lack of trees. Yes, there are mesas, but they are on the edges of Grand Valley and have very minimal foothills and then just go UP. I am enjoying the amazing cloud formations here. Maybe it’s also that often the clouds at home feel like they are two feet above the roof instead of way up in the sky.

Cee is getting better, so Cee, this sky is for you!

Yesterday we had an amazing thunderstorm with heavy rain and hail and water pouring under the front door of the clinic. The sidewalk must be tilted the wrong way. There were flood warnings and I waited until it calmed down a bit before driving home.

I like the sky, weather I am in Port Townsend or here. (Yes, wordplay on purpose).