
I admire this orange sculpture outside the local library and then realize that it’s useful. Bike tools and a pump, in a central location and orange too! Very nice! I like it up against the darker orange of the building.

I’ve been haunting the library about twice a week, taking out piles of books. A new friend has also lent me a kindle, to read all of Lois McMaster Bujold’s Penric and Desdemona series. And what else will I find in it? It is like exploring someone’s bookshelves!

I have managed to acquire a few books and I am now watching for Little Free Libraries to pass the ones that I have read on to someone else.

For the Ragtag Daily Prompt: sculpture.

2 thoughts on “Useful

  1. Lou Carreras says:

    I too love the Penric and Desdemona series. she is a grerat writer.

  2. lois says:

    I have found more treasures in Little Libraries. They are such a treat.

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