Last on the card: May

The first picture is taken by my iphone. I have already posted the real last on the card, the rose bush from a few days ago, so this is the last unposted photograph. Is that cheating? Oh, well.

The second is from my Panasonic Lumix FZ 150, taken two weeks ago on my hike. This is on the way down. I was tired by then! Altitude + 4.5 miles, whew.

For bushboy’s Last on the Card.

2 thoughts on “Last on the card: May

  1. bushboy says:

    Everyone cheats Dr K Not many just post their photos. It seems that Rule One has become there is no Rule One. πŸ˜‚
    Anyway that car was worth post for sure.
    Thanks for joining in πŸ˜€

    • drkottaway says:

      I am too lazy to edit. I use the zoom for that. I occasionally crop a picture.

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